Celebrates 200th Anniversary in America
April 15-20, 2008
Of the founding of the Archdiocese of Baltimore in Mary Land, And Dioceses of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Louisville |
Benedict XVI Visit April 2008
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April 16, 2008, when Pope Benedict XVI met
with President Bush at the White House.
Never before has such an event taken place.
An event of “Tremendous religious
significance”, CNN declared as it began.
(CNN, 4-16-08). By the time his visit was
over the Catholic media was in a swoon, and
the Roman Church was ecstatic, euphoric,
wildly energized. Pope Benedict repeatedly
made it brazenly clear that he was
celebrating in this visit to America the
Jesuit John Carroll, first Roman Catholic
bishop in America, and the establishment of
the first American archdiocese in Baltimore, with its
dioceses in Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Louisville.
Focus on the American Revolution?
A New Power Has Seized American
Pope Benedict XVI came to America
to celebrate
Rome's Hand in the American Revolution, and the Nearing Completion of the Jesuit Blueprint for
America's Takeover
The Papacy, and the Jesuits in
particular, had their own reasons, and
purposes for wanting an American Revolution
against Britain. British law forbade
holding Masses. Rome wanted
the colonies to break away, and declare
religious liberty for all, including Rome,
thus giving Rome freedom to operate in this
powerful new emerging nation. The Protestants
had their reasons for freedom of conscience,
but the Jesuits had their reasons, too. In the
Roman scheme, the “Utopian scheme” referred to
by Benedict XVI, “We have our own Utopian
scheme,” freedom must be granted for
Rome to gain power. Once in power she denies
freedom to all except herself. Of course, Rome
always calls for freedom to obtain freedom for
herself to gain power and control. Once she
has obtained power, she denies freedom to all
others. Benedict even spoke openly on
worldwide television about how Britain had
forbidden the Mass,
but in America religious liberty was written
into the US Constitution, giving Rome a free
hand to conduct Masses
and establish her power in America.
A Short
1. Rome
wanted the American colonies to break away
from Britain, so that Rome could have a free
hand in the colonies. This is clear from
what the pope said, as well as from history.
When I first started studying Rome's conception
of the American Revolution some years ago, it
seemed so fantastic that I had to table it for a
time. It seemed like it was just a little too
much. It was so radically different from the
Protestant conception of the American
Revolution, now fading in the history books. But
now I know that this fantastic plan of Rome,
conceived by the Jesuits prior to the American
Revolution, is true. The pope confirmed it with
his visit to America on April 16, 2008 at the
White House, before the bishops at the Crypt
Chapel in the Basilica of the Immaculate
Conception. Then the Mass at Yankee
Stadium was to celebrate the founding of the
Baltimore archdiocese in Mary Land 200 years
ago. Roman Catholic education also confirms it.
2. Rome
already had one colony, Mary Land. The pope
declared that he came to celebrate the
establishment of the diocese of Baltimore, in
Mary Land, 200 years ago.
3. The pope
came to celebrate America's first Roman
Catholic bishop, the Jesuit John Carroll.
4. Jesuit
John Carroll was entrusted with the task of
orchestrating the coming American Revolution
to accomplish Jesuit and Roman purposes for
5. John
Carroll went to Rome from his teaching
post at the Jesuit University at Bruges,
arriving in Rome in the autumn of 1772, to be
appointed by the Black Pope, Lorenzo Ricci, to
the position of Prefect of the Sodality.
6. As
Prefect of Sodality, Carroll's task was to
organize laymen for “the Promotion of some
form of social action.” This appointment
happened four
years before the Revolution.
7. Carroll
was to be the Jesuits' cat's paw in the
American colonies and in the American
Revolution, to accomplish Rome's goals, to
create a new nation that would ultimately be
controlled by Rome.
8. Carroll traveled incognito
with a dedicated Roman Catholic student, a
nephew of the Duke of Norfolk, immersed in the Spiritual
Exercises of the Jesuits, visiting
heads of state
all over Europe from the summer of 1771 to the
spring of 1773.
9. In his
incognito travels Jesuit John Carroll went
out of his way to go to the Jesuit
University at Tries, where there was a
Latin document which the Jesuits apparently
wanted to use as a blueprint for the
takeover of the new American nation.
10. The pope made it clear that
while he appreciated the US president's
invitation to come to America and the White
House, there was clearly another reason
why he had come--the celebration of the 200th
anniversary of the founding of America's first
archdiocese--the archdiocese of Baltimore, in Mary
Land, headed by the Jesuit John
Carroll. John Carroll is the Jesuit
champion of Roman Catholicism in early America.
He founded the Jesuit Georgetown University.
11. The
pope launched a repeated attack against the
foundations of Protestantism, fiercely
attacking the idea of "private religion"
which, he said, destroys the soul.
12. The
pope spoke of the need for "global
solidarity" thus signaling that he is carrying
forward the John Paul II vision of the papal
New World Order.
13. At the
Crypt Chapel in the Basilica of the Immaculate
Conception, the pope revealed that Roman
Catholicism has not forgotten in the
slightest that while Masses
were banned in Britain, religious freedom was
written into the Constitution of America,
making it possible for Rome to move full steam
ahead here, establishing her power with the Masses,
universities, dioceses, etc.
14. The
pope spoke of the importance of Sunday
worship. Sunday is very dear to his heart
as evidenced in his book, The Spirit of the
15. The patroness
of America is Mary, the pope declared.
Indeed, it was in Mary Land, in
Baltimore, the Roman Catholic colony, where the
first archdiocese was established by the Jesuit
John Carroll. The Carroll family donated land
named "Rome" for Washington, D.C. The pope came
to celebrate the establishment of this diocese
200 years ago.
Catholic Carroll Family in the
Wealthy, and Jesuit-trained
Catholic Carroll family was one of the
wealthiest American families alive. There
were three Carroll sons--Daniel, John and
their first cousin Charles. They all had
been trained in Jesuit warfare at the Jesuit
St. Omer's College in France. John, the
Jesuit, became a teacher there. Charles
studied law at the Jesuit College
Louis-le-Grand in Paris, and was sent to
study further at London's Inner Temple. "The
mother of Daniel and John, Eleanor Darnall,
claimed direct descent from the Calverts
(Calvert was Lord Baltimore), the owning
family of original Maryland. She had come
into possession of much of the land that Daniel
would transfer to the District of Columbia. Charles
Carroll stood to inherit America's largest
private estate; later, John Adams would label
him America's richest citizen."
Studies At St.
Omer's Jesuit College in Europe
Carroll studied at Bohemian Manor, a secret
Jesuit academy just down the road, "run
secretly because of anti-Catholic laws
resulting from the abdication of Catholic
James II and the succession of Protestants
William and Mary to the British throne in
1689. The Penal Period in Maryland, which
would extend up to the American Revolution,
served the Black Papacy well by inclining
affluent Catholic families to send their sons
across the Atlantic to take the Jesuit ratio
studiorum at St. Omer's. Indeed, more
Americans went to St. Omer's College in the
eighteenth century than to Oxford and
Cambridge combined. (Geoffrey Holt, S.J., St.
Omers and Bruges Colleges, 159301773: A
Biographical Dictionary, London 1979)
John Carroll Flees St. Omer's
At age 13 John
Carroll traveled with his cousin Charles to
attend school at the Jesuit St. Omer's.
Daniel returned home from there to manage
the family inheritance. In 1753 John Carroll
entered the novitiate of the Jesuits at
Watten in the Netherlands. In 1758, John
returned to St. Omer's to teach, being
ordained to the Jesuit priesthood in 1761.
When John found out that "The Jesuit St.
Omer's was about to be seized by the French
government in preparation for the royal
edict suppressing the Jesuits in France, he
with other teachers and their pupils move to
Jesuits Rise to
Secular Prominence When Disestablished
in 1773
On July 21, 1773, Ganganelli, Clement
XIV abolished the Jesuits "for all eternity."
John Carroll "appraised it as the
'secularization' of the Society of Jesus.
Thousands of Jesuits now rose to secular
prominence throughout the western world, in
the arts, sciences, and government...Adam
Weishaupt, dismissed from the Jesuit college
at Ingolstadt, attracted the fiercer elements
of European Rosicrucian Freemasonry into a new
secret cult in Bavaria"-the Illuminati.
"Countless other members of the greatest
clandestine intelligence agency the world has
ever known, now secularized with the jeering
approval of its enemies, crossed the
Atlantic to help guide Americans through the
pains of becoming the first nation expressly
designed to be a Febronian, Bellarminian
democratic republican Church-State."
Jesuit John Carroll
Escapes to England:
Desires a New Nation Free From Persecution
In October, 1773, about three months
after the suppression of the Jesuits,
"Austrian officials with drawn bayonets
descended upon the Jesuit College in
Burges-the officials were Austrian because
Bruges was under the jurisdiction of the
Austrian Government. They arrested John
Carroll and the rest of the college faculty
and students. Stripped of his possessions and
papers, Carroll was spared further humiliation
by the timely intercession of his erstwhile
traveling companion Charles Philippe
Stourton's cousin, Henry Howard Lord Arundell
of Wiltshire. The Catholic nobleman escorted
Carroll across the English Channel to
Wiltshire's lushly rolling hills.
There, at the estate, Carroll was to write out his version of the closing of the college at Bruges in an effort to win damages from the Austrian government, and to administer the Chapel of the castle. Carroll stayed for six months, in contact with high-level Jesuits. Driven from St. Omer's, arrested at Bruges, one can easily see the deep desire of the Jesuit John Carroll and his family to have a nation where they would be safe from persecution, and free to practice Jesuitism and Roman Catholicism.
Carroll Organizes
Catholics for Independence
May, 1774,
about a year before Lexington and Concord,
which took place April 19, 1775, John Carroll
Left Wardour Castle for Maryland. As John
Carroll arrived in Maryland, it was the time
frame of "Paul Revere's ride to Philadelphia
bearing letters from the Boston Committee of
Correspondence seeking aid from Charles
Thompson's group in protesting the closing of
Boston Harbor. From his mother's estate at
Rock Creek, Carroll dealt with the aftermath
of the Tea Act by exercising his 'secularized'
priestly authority as Prefect of the Sodality.
He integrated the Catholics of Maryland,
Pennsylvania and northern Virginia into the
movement for independence." Remember,
that in England the Mass
was forbidden.
Charles Carroll
"Charles Carroll was named
by the Annapolis Committee of Correspondence
to be a delegate to the First Continental
Charles declined because he felt that his usefulness might be restricted by anti-Catholic sentiment engendered by the Quebec Act, however, he attended as an 'unofficial consultant' to the Marylanders. Charles Thompson and Charles, Daniel and John Carroll spent "the critical preliminary days to the congress lobbing for the inevitability of war. Thompson was already heavily invested in New Jersey's Batso Furnace. Batso would furnish cannon balls, shot, kettles, spikes and nails to the army through the War Commissioner, who controlled all the executive duties of the military department...The War Commissioner was...Charles Carroll. "Thompson was elected Secretary of the First Continental Congress, and office he held under the title 'Perpetual Secretary' until the United States Constitution was ratified in 1789. He led the delegates through an itemized statement of the American theory of rebellion that culminated in the critical Declaration of Resolves of October 14, 1774." 5
Clement XIV Dies;
Cardinal Braschi and Ricci Plan
Meanwhile, Pope
Clement XIV died an agonizing death, poisoned by
the Jesuits, dying September 22, 1774. Cardinal
Giovanni Braschi, a very close associate of
Ricci, the Black Pope, and also Apostolic
Treasurer when Rothschild began serving the
Catholic principality of Hesse-Hanover in 1769,
Braschi ruled over the papacy while the conclave
haggled over what to do about the Jesuits.
Lorenzo Ricci, the Jesuit Superior General, was
in detention at Castel Sant'Angelo, where "he
could easily hop a tunnel carriage to the
Vatican for cover meetings with the Virtual
Braschi Becomes Pius VI
Braschi, the Treasurer of
the Apostolic Treasury, who takes over the
Holy See's temporal rights business affairs,
when a pope dies-was a creation of the Black
Pope, Lorenzo Ricci, and the two were secretly
allied for years. After nearly five months of
confusion on February 15, 1775, Rome had a new
pope-one acceptable to both sides of the
Jesuit question. The new pope was Giovanni Braschi,
Pope Pius VI.
Countdown to
Things were moving
rapidly in America. February 9, 1775:
Parliament declares Massachusetts to be "in a
state of rebellion." March 23: Patrick Henry
delivers "GIVE
oration. April 19: Lexington and Concord.
Massachusetts Provincial Congress mobilized
13.600 colonial soldiers. Boston is under
siege for a year.
The Quaker Province of Pennsylvania's Pennsylvania Assembly names "Charles Thompson and twelve others to a committee to purchase explosives and munitions-the leading manufactures of which happened to be Thompson and Charles Carroll.' May 10: the Second Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia and names George Washington commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. By August 23, 1775, King George III proclaimed that all thirteen American colonies were in a state of open rebellion.
Congress Sends Franklin,
Samuel Chase, and John Carroll to Canada
February 15,
1776, the Second Continental Congress resolved
to send Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase and
Charles Carroll to Montreal "to promote or form
a union" with Canada against England.
"Just before the committee left Philadelphia, John Adams proposed a curious last-minute resolution. On the record, he requested 'that Charles Carroll prevail on Mr. John Carroll to accompany the committee to Canada, to assist them in such matters as they shall think useful.' Congress adopted the resolution." Canada was then largely Catholic Quebec. However, when the delegation arrived, the Jesuit superior in Montreal had been ordered by Bishop Briand of Quebec to consider John Carroll persona non grata. The Jesuit superior, Pierre Floquet, however had Carroll say a Mass in his home, and Floquet was immediately suspended from priestly functions. The mission failed to form a union, but it succeeded in obtaining from Canada a position of neutrality.
Carroll Moves Into
Benjamin Franklin's Home
On the way
back from Canada, Benjamin Franklin fell ill.
The Jesuit John Carroll escorted him to
Philadelphia. Franklin invited Carrol to move
in, and John Carroll moved into Franklin's home.
"Franklin acknowledged the fact in a letter
dated May 27, 1776, mentioning Mr.
Carroll's friendly assistance and tender care of
Franklin's house in these days leading up to the Declaration of Independence would have been a beehive of social activists-the very kind of people John Carroll, as Prefect of the Sodality, would organize. America's preeminent Freemason, Franklin and the Jesuit John Carroll, would be the hosts of one of the main clearinghouses for sub rosa congressional business.
Provides Farm (Rome)
Where the Capitol Sits Today
"The land known today
as the District of Columbia bore the name 'Rome'
in 1663 property records; and the branch of the
Potomac River that bordered 'Rome' on the south
was called 'Tiber."
"In 1790, President George Washington, a Protestant? appointed Congressman (Daniel) Carroll to head a commission of three men to select land for the 'federal city' called for in the Constitution. Of all places, the commission chose 'Rome,' which at the time consisted of four farms, one of which belonged to...Daniel Carroll. It was upon Carroll's farm that the new government chose to erect its most important building, the Capitol."
and Roman Vision
REMEMBER, that in England and in the American colonies the Mass was forbidden. |
to Traditional Catholicism
Rome Like a Whirlwind Perfect Storm is Rising
It is arising
storm, a perfect storm, a megastorm, and I sense
and feel the rising in the wind. It's happening.
The storm flags are flying straight out. Now.
The thousands of rivulets from the supreme
court, to Congress, to the White House, across
the radio and TV, in the schools and churches,
are all flowing together into a mighty river of
Roman influence. The effect of tens of millions
energized every day by the Roman Catholic talk
show hosts, the energy of the Culture Wars,
joining to work with "Protestants", are all
coalescing. The work of the orders of Rome, from
the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei working the
intelligence agencies and the war against
Fundamentalist Islam, to the Knights of Columbus
and anti-abortion, to the Franciscan charismatic
movement--a thousand strands are coming
together. Rome's agents in the media, in
Congress, in the Courts, in government, in
academia, and millions pouring across the
border--all are now having their effect. Even
the pope was astonished at its power.
Archbishops, bishops, priests, nuns, religious,
are exulting as never, ever before. Rome is
resurgent, her power will soon once again rule
the world.
the Church in America Must Begin to Arise
a restoration of her power." I saw one of his
heads as it were wounded to death; and his
deadly wound was healed: and all the world
wondered after the beast."
This is why there
was a Revolutionary marching band at the White
House parading before the pope and the
president on April 16, 2008. This is why the
pope repeatedly spoke in glowing terms of John
Carroll. This is Rome's version of
you know at least a little bit of the
rest of the story.The American Revolution-its Catholic component.
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