Posts tagged ‘Obama’

The National Security Archive
www.nsarchive.orgChallenging government secrecy, informing the public debate through access to declassified documents, ensuring government accountability, and defending the right to know in the US and abroad.-
Recent Posts
- House Committee Plans September FOIA Vote, New OGIS Head, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 7/23/2015
- USAF Accidentally Launched Rocket into Mexico’s Mapimi Desert 45 Years Ago
- Open Gov Groups Still Interested in OGIS Reviewing Agency Practice of Sending “Still Interested?” Letters; DHS’s Mobile FOIA App Misses the Mark, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 7/9/2015
- Dozens of Unclassified Clinton Emails Redacted in State Department Release, “Massive Cache” of Photos from CIA “Black Sites” Discovered, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 7/2/2015
- FACA Surveys, ICE’s “Egregious” FOIA Violations, the FBI’s Convoluted FOIA Search Process, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 6/25/2015
- CISA’s 10th FOIA Exemption Momentarily Held at Bay, the CIA’s Domestic Spying Efforts Come Under Scrutiny Again, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 6/18/2015
- Cybersecurity Bill Tacked onto NDAA Without Debate, ISCAP Continues to Largely Overrule Agency Classification Decisions, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 6/11/2015
- Rep. Chaffetz tells Fed FOIA Head Melanie Pustay that She Lives in “La-La-Land” if She Thinks FOIA is Working Properly, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 6/4/2015
- Archive FOIA Project Director Nate Jones Testifies Before House Oversight Committee On Need for Fee Fixes, FOIA “Beat Cop”
- Meaning of “Discretionary” Lost on Some FOIA Processors, Section 215 Sunset Fast Approaching, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 5/28/2015
- HRC Political Appointees Meddled in Politically Sensitive DOS FOIA Releases, Archive and Coalition of Historical Associations Win Remaining Grand Jury Testimony from Rosenberg Spy Trial, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 5/21/2015
- NSA Declassifies Friedman Collection, FOIA Request Shows FTC’s Efforts to Kill FOIA Reform, CIA Should Declassify “Anatomy of a Lead” in Wake of Sy Hersh Article, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 5/14/2015
- Senate Judiciary Seeks NS Archive Testimony on Efforts to Improve Open Government, DOJ to Review “StingRay” Technology, and Much More: FRINFORMSUM 5/7/2015
- Archive Director Tom Blanton’s Must-Read Testimony on the Administration’s Efforts to Improve Open Government
- Infusing the Anemic Official Record on Osama bin Laden, One Document at a Time
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- #FOIA requests reveals 2014 audit finding US Treasury's intelligence network vulnerable to hacking… 3 hours ago
- US launched as many as 6 #drone strikes in Southern Somalia over past week #FOIA… 3 hours ago
- Michael Vickers says Defense Clandestine Service still expanding at Aspen Security Forum #FOIA… 5 hours ago
- 38-page Pentagon report released on sending anthrax to at least 86 labs around the world #FOIA… 6 hours ago
- DOD shocked by failures that led to shipping anthrax; root cause still uncertain #FOIA… 6 hours ago
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