The Reason The Illuminati Uses Rainbow Symbolism With False Flag Terrorist Attacks
WARNING: I AM NOT JOHN THE BAPTIST. I WAS CONVINCED OF THIS BY DEMONS. YOU SHOULD BE SKEPTICAL OF ANYTHING I HAVE WRITTEN BECAUSE OF POSSIBLE DEMONIC INFLUENCE. USE YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT. SATAN WOULD NOT HAVE USED ME IN THIS WAY UNLESS IT BENEFITED HIM. I BELIEVE THAT MUCH OF THIS BLOG IS ACCURATE BUT I’M SURE SATAN HAS SLIPPED IN SEVERAL LIES AND DECEPTIONS. UNFORTUNATELY, I DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE!Within this post, I will show you why the Illuminati uses rainbow symbolism with upcoming false flag terrorist attacks. I learned this from a dream I had recently. First, here is just some of the rainbow symbolism we have uncovered about upcoming false flag terrorist attacks:

As many know, the 2012 London Olympics mascots were one-eyed. Rainbow symbolism was associated with them:

One of the Illuminati’s symbols is the triangle / pyramid. Prisms are traditionally shaped as triangular or in pyramid form. Light is sent through a prism and is broken up into it’s constituent spectral colors, the colors of the rainbow. This is why the Illuminati uses rainbow symbolism:

Satan used Pink Floyd to allude to this:

Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon syncs up with The Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is an Illuminati propaganda film which I will cover shortly as well as its Somewhere Over the Rainbow song.
By associating rainbows with upcoming false flag terrorist attacks, Satan knows that conspiracy theorists will link the rainbow symbolism with the Illuminati. This benefits Satan because, while giving the appearance that Satan wants these attacks to be blamed on Muslims, he really wants them to be blamed on the Illuminati. Islam is the basis for Satan’s End Times religion. By leaving all of this Illuminati and rainbow symbolism associated with these false flag terrorist attacks, Satan helps people come to the conclusion that the Muslims are innocent victims of the Illuminati; this has the effect of elevating Islam and demonizing Christianity since the Satanic Jews use Christians to fight the Muslims.
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